Y06.【今我 Freedom from the Spell of Time】
時間という呪縛の幻想から目覚め、"今" という本来の私自身であるために。
「備えよう、達成しよう、」というとらわれから自分を解放し、永遠の平和である "今" で、完全なる真の "私" に出会う。
Y06【今我】Kon-ga Freedom from the Spell of Time
To take back your own power that you had been surrendering to the past and future.
To wake up from the illusion of the spell of time, and to be the "Now", your true self.
To free yourself from the thought that tells you to "prepare for" and "attain", thus helping you to be in the "Now", the timeless peace, and to meet with the "I", your perfect and true self.
To help you realize that you feel the future as a heavy burden and that you are sacrificing the now for the future, thus helping you to free yourself from such a state.
2010.11.11 ニュージーランド オケインズ・ベイにて